
约书亚约书亚·埃弗斯于2021年5月毕业. He is studied Management Information Systems here at Aquinas and played on the men’s 排球 team. 他选择管理的原因 Information Systems is that he enjoyed the computer science classes he took at his 高中和社区大学. 约书亚 had a great interest in computers and design and wanted to pursue a career in Web Page Design or Web Development. 他最喜欢的一个 things about his major was working with a variety of individuals and problem solving together. 约书亚 chose Aquinas because he wanted to explore new places and play 排球 at Aquinas while studying Management Information Systems.

"One of my favorite things about my major is that I get to work with a variety of 个人和问题一起解决."

A few hobbies he enjoys are off-roading, hiking, working on his car, and playing beach 排球. 约书亚 comes from Irvine, California, and plans to stay in Grand Rapids 毕业后的几年.




弗朗西斯科校友 弗朗西斯科·花茎甘蓝 has found success after graduating with a degree in Management Information Systems from 十大赌博正规平台在线 in May 2020. 他目前的工作是调度员 at Martin Transportation Systems, and in the future, he hopes to be promoted to Planner or Fleet Manager where he could get more experience in a management position. 弗朗西斯科的 diverse work history and balance between working full time and attending school full 时间帮他找到了工作. 他的学位只是锦上添花. 他喜欢他的 job because there is always something for him to do to keep him busy, which makes 时光飞逝.
“学习 about the different systems at Aquinas has helped me quickly grasp the software that Martin Transportation Systems uses on a daily basis.”

He says that learning and understanding SQL has helped him tremendously when it comes 到公司生成的报告. Franco’s favorite memory from Aquinas was during his sophomore year on the men’s soccer team when they came back from a deficit of 3-0 and beat University of Northwestern Ohio 4-3 on homecoming.




Kevin C

校友 凯文Clinthorne graduated in 2020 with a degree in 计算机信息系统. He has established a successful career as a Cloud Support Engineer with a web service 提供者. His favorite memory at 十大赌博正规平台在线 is building relationships with friends and 和他们一起做小组项目. Kevin says his prior work experience and personal projects assisted him in acquiring his position. 他把他的课程归功于提供 the building blocks for understanding basic programming and infrastructure concepts. Kevin intends to continue working up in the software development field. “我们正在迅速 growing and there are tons of opportunities in software development that I’d like 利用.”
“What I learned in class provided the building blocks for understanding. 学习 basic coding and infrastructure concepts was critical.”




咏叹调校友 咏叹调Cusenza graduated in 2020 with her degree in 计算机信息系统 and currently works in auto-owners insurance. 艾瑞亚有各种各样的实习经历 that she did while at Aquinas that gave her a wide variety of skills and knowledge 并强化了她的简历. Combined with her resume, being able to interview well 帮她保住了工作. She has gained experience doing many different things within her position, which has 有益于她的成长.
“One of my favorite parts of my job are the people that I work with. 我也喜欢 my job gives me the flexibility to do technical work, but also talk to others and 与其他团队合作.” 

Having an Aquinas education helped her gain fundamental knowledge of the different 资讯科技部分. Her education also helped her grow her skills in troubleshooting and working in team environments, which she uses constantly in her 当前位置. 咏叹调 would like to continue to learn and grow in her 当前位置 看看这会把她带向何方. 她在十大赌博登录官网的美好回忆 include hanging out with her friends, playing pool at the Moose, and being able to take classes related to her various interests.




Ty校友 史密斯泰 has found success after graduation from 十大赌博正规平台在线. 泰毕业 in 2020 with a dual major in 计算机信息系统 and English and is currently working as a Junior Developer at Auto Owners Insurance at their main office in Lansing. He was initially contacted by a recruiter in the spring of 2020 who had seen his resume and thought that this position would be a great fit for him. 上那些课程 他确实帮助他在这个领域取得了成功.

Ty notes that his time at Aquinas has helped him in his career. 这教会了他如何工作 in teams and gave him a robust toolbox that helped him to adapt and learn in real-world 的情况下.

“During the interview, my interviewer mentioned how impressed they were with my knowledge of C# as well as the project management classes I took. 事实上,我的顶点 involved programming for a client in C# was noted as well.”

Ty says that Auto Owners is a great place to work in general. 他喜欢他的同事 and the culture the company fosters, especially when it comes to work-life balance. They’ve been very accommodating as far as his training and onboarding go, since it 一直都很遥远.

Ty’s favorite memory from his time at Aquinas was studying abroad in Ireland, and he hopes to go back to college and get his Master’s someday.

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