

Applications for admission to the MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program 是 网上提交. 有关申请的问题,请直接向Lynn Atkins-Rykert (atkinlyn@homeminimalist.net). 林恩的电话是(616)632-2924. 她的办公室位于研究生招生处 教务处,201室.

Applicants who meet the minimum requirements for Conditional Admission 是 eligible 下学期开始上课. 新学期在秋季和春季开学 (春季队列根据满足最小队列规模而开始).

To receive full consideration for fall admission, please submit all required materials 5月15日前. 春季入学请在10月15日前提交所需材料.



  1. 已完成的研究生课程 入学申请.
  2. 获得认可机构颁发的学士学位.
  3. 最低累积绩点为3分.0或更高的4.0规模.
  4. 至少有三门心理学或相关社会科学的本科课程.
  • If the applicant is deficient in the undergraduate social sciences requirement, they may be required to successfully complete appropriate undergraduate courses without 在最终入学之前获得研究生学分.

Satisfying minimal standards does not guarantee admission, since the number of qualified 申请人可能会超过可用的名额. 因此,并非所有人都是合格的 申请人将获录取.

The 十大赌博正规平台在线的MAC项目 admits new students in the fall and spring semesters. All students must complete COU 500: Orientation to Graduate Studies at Aquinas and 开始上课前的MAC. COU 500是一门1天、0学分的课程, 星期六上课前. 全日制学生每学期选修三门课程, 而非全日制学生通常每学期选修两门课程.


Applicants meet with the MAC Program Director or member of the faculty to discuss their interest in the field of professional counseling, their c是er goals, and how 该项目将帮助他们实现这些目标.


Transcripts will be accepted from 机构s accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Higher Learning Commission or other regional accrediting commissions which have been recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Official (sealed) transcripts must be sent directly from all previously attended colleges 或大学,包括参加的任何其他研究生课程.


The GRE is not required for admission to the MAC Program unless the undergraduate GPA低于3分的最低分数线.0. 具有本科累积成绩者 平均绩点低于3分.我必须参加GRE考试,并把成绩单寄给AQ(注意,林恩 Atkins-Rykert). 

  1. 首选最低分数: 
    1. 语言推理:142分
    2. 定量推理:142分
    3. 分析写作:3分.3

没有达到本科最低GPA要求3分的申请人.0 或最低GRE成绩要求可以在试用期间被录取并考虑 全额入场费. 这些申请者每门课程的最低成绩必须达到B 获得MAC项目的最终录取资格.


至少需要两封推荐信. 这些都写在表格上了 由MAC程式提供(请使用这里的表格). 一定要通知你的推荐人项目的截止日期. 字母必须是 from professional or academic persons knowledgeable of your academic and/or professional experiences and dispositions (letters from family or personal friends 是 not acceptable).

Recommenders 是 asked to give their personal impressions of your academic skills 以及针对MAC项目独特需求的能力. 申请人可豁免 the right to inspect their letters of recommendation on a voluntary basis (see the 形式).

The MAC Program may verify the authenticity of academic letters of recommendation 和推荐人一起.


申请者提交一份两到三页的职业目标陈述. 在本文中, 你将描述你对MAC项目感兴趣的原因. 你是什么? long-term professional goals and how will this program help you reach these goals? 你有哪些个人经历让你对这个培训感兴趣?


FBI criminal background checks 是 required for all students prior to final admission 到MAC程序. MAC项目需要实地实习(实习和实习) 以及其他与潜在弱势群体合作的经验. 因此,我们 是否需要进行犯罪背景调查以确保公共安全. 个人 who have been convicted of a felony offense (and some misdemeanors) generally 是 not eligible for licensure as professional counselors in Michigan and other states.

Although a prior conviction may not preclude one from completing the MAC degree, it’s important to understand that individuals with a prior conviction may not be accepted 通过实习或实习地点,可能没有资格获得执照.

Determination for admission to the MAC Program for people with felony convictions 是在个案的基础上,由MAC学院的审查. 有重罪的学生 convictions admitted the MAC Program must be aw是 that admission to the MAC Program does not guarantee that they will be able to secure field placements, licensure or 职业咨询师. 我们强烈建议未来的MAC学生 联系 密歇根州许可和法规事务部 (LARA)来讨论他们的具体情况和对许可的影响 专业咨询师.

Applicants will need to submit to an FBI background check prior to being accepted 在MAC程序中. 电子指纹识别有几种选择 Grand Rapids 是a including Certifix Live Scan and the Kent County Sheriff Department. Applicants who have their fingerprints done on paper will need to send that card to 让FBI完成背景调查. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 联邦调查局IdHSC.

If you 是 coming from outside of the Grand Rapids 是a, please find a fingerprinting 你所在地区的服务.


All applicants from countries/regions in which the official language is not English 是否需要提交英语语言能力的官方证明. 这个需求 applies to applicants from Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Latin America, the Middle East, Israel, the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Southeast 亚洲,大多数欧洲国家,以及非洲非英语国家.

Students who have completed at least one year of full-time academic course work with 成绩为B或更高,在美国认可的大学居住.S. 机构不需要 参加标准化考试. 相反,请提供一份非正式的成绩单 认识到你.S. 机构.


  • Have a basic degree from a recognized 机构 in a country where the official 语言为英语.
  • 在美国的机构完成了基础或高级学位 or a United States 机构 abroad, where the language of instruction is English and the 机构 is accredited by one of the United States’ regional accrediting 机构.
  • Have completed at least one year of full-time academic course work with a grade B 或者在美国地区认可的机构更好.

There 是 two standardized tests you may take: the Test of English as a Foreign Language (托福),以及国际英语语言测试系统(雅思).


托福考试由美国教育考试服务中心管理. 学生可以获得详细的 资料来自 托福的网站,或联系托福服务,教育考试服务,P.O. 普林斯顿大学6151号信箱 NJ 08541-6151, (609) 771-7100. 托福公告的副本也可在 U.S. educational commissions and foundations, binational centers, and private organizations 如国际教育协会(IIE).

We will only accept TOEFL tests administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) 并由托福办公室直接寄给我们. 十大赌博正规平台在线的机构代码 is 1018. 为了入学的目的,你最近的分数必须至少为80分 网考(IBT),笔试(PBT)为570分。.

The IBT emphasizes integrated skills so its format and scoring 是 different from 托福的PBT版本. 无论如何,请尽快计划参加托福考试 考试的格式,以避免延误审查你的申请.




Students may transfer a maximum of 12 graduate semester hours (4 courses), at the discretion and upon approval of the MAC Program Director, for classes taken from another 认可的学院或大学. 只接受成绩在B或以上的课程 在正式入学前的6年将被考虑. 此外, a maximum of 9 graduate semester hours of MAC Program coursework taken as a non-classified (non-matriculating) student at 十大赌博正规平台在线 prior to admission may be applied toward 的程度.


所有学生都有条件进入MAC项目. 最后入场 课程将由教师决定如下:

  1. 顺利完成第一学期课程(成绩不低于B).
  2. 保持研究生目录中规定的良好学术地位.
  3. 成功完成COU504咨询技术与实践课程.
  4. MAC教员的最后入学面试.

Following this interview, the student will receive a written decision regarding their 录取状态. 有条件录取进入MAC计划的学生是 reclassified as Fully Admitted candidates, meaning they 是 a candidate in the MAC 学位课程. 所有MAC候选人都将遵守目录要求 at the time they first enrolled in coursework in their graduate program unless these 这些变化是基于密歇根州许可证法律或规则的变化. 课程修订 prerequisites will apply to all candidates regardless of the catalog of admission.